Terms & Conditions


ILHC is the Organizer of this event. Final decisions on all matters pertaining to these competitions rest solely with the Organizer.

  1. After a successful registration, each participant should receive a confirmation email. If you have NOT received a confirmation in the few days after your registration, please notify ILHC by sending a message to ilhcregistration@ilhc.com.
  2. The registrant/attendee is required to make payment on time; otherwise, the registration may be canceled. Please be advised that the registrant is responsible for any transaction costs.
  3. In-Person competitors must hold a Full Weekend Pass, pay the required entry fees for each competition and adhere to all Competition Rules; see here. ILHC reserves the right to disqualify any competitor it deems to violate any term contained in the Competition Rules.
  4. The event organizers do not take responsibility for accidents, losses, or thefts at the event.
  5. The event organizers are not responsible for any kind of unforeseen circumstances (e.g. illness of instructors, Covid-19 restrictions, etc.) and their consequences.
  6. The event organizers reserve the right to make reasonable changes to the schedule before and throughout the event’s duration.
  7. If the organizers cancel or postpone the event due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g., government restrictions, force majeure, etc.), participants will have the option to transfer their passes for the new date or request a refund if rescheduling the event is not possible—all other refund/cancellation policies apply.
  8. All attendees consent to being photographed and filmed during the event; organizers may use these images/videos for promotional purposes.
  9. All official ILHC videos, images and competition submissions will be the property of ILHC and may be submitted to the ILHC YouTube and Vimeo channels.
  10. Any visual image, sound recording, or other physical impression of ILHC attendees, staff, bands, or event programming for commercial and/or public-facing purposes is strictly prohibited. Recording for personal use is permitted.
  11. Each competitor (and in the case of a Minor, such Minor’s parent/legal guardian on their behalf) participating in a virtual competition via video submission represents and warrants as follows: (i) the video is the competitor’s own original work and the competitor has the rights to submit the video for purposes of the ILHC 2025 contests; (ii) the competitor agrees to indemnify and hold ILHC and each of their respective members, managers, officers, directors, representatives, licensees, successors, assigns, agents, subsidiaries, parents, and affiliates harmless from and against any and all third party claims, actions or proceedings of any kind and from any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses relating to or arising out of any breach or alleged breach of any of the warranties, representations or agreements of Competitor hereunder, or from Competitor’s participating in the ILHC 2025 contest(s) or ILHC’s use of the Video(s) or any part thereof in any manner or any of the rights granted herein.
  12. ILHC reserves the right to edit virtual competition videos to comply with the Competition Rules or request that a competitor edit or altogether remove any content that may intentionally or unintentionally violate the Competition Rules. ILHC will determine in its sole discretion which videos have satisfied the eligibility requirements.
  13. During the event, all attendees agree to these Terms & Conditions, our Code of Conduct and any other instructions given by the Organizers and other persons involved in the event.


ILHC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, religion (or lack thereof), disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event without a refund at the discretion of the event organizers.

For more details or assistance, please see our ILHC Code of Conduct


    • There are no refunds.
    • Weekend and Dance Passes ARE transferable to another individual for the 2025 event, provided the transfer happens prior to registration closes on the Monday before the event begins.
    • There are no refunds or transfers for Virtual ILHC passes… NO EXCEPTIONS.
    • Refunds of competition fees can be requested through May 31, 2025. Starting June 1, 2025, competition fees will not be refunded for any reason.
    • Competition fees ARE transferable to another individual for the 2025 event, provided the transfer happens before registration closes on the Monday before the event begins.
    • There are no refunds or transfers of buffet tickets or other purchases.